Ascii msn names
Fancy MSN Names
Punk msn names
bitchy msn names
bad msn names
- (f)(¨`v´¨)ï fïñk ßöÿ§ ä®ë fït ß4 ü ä§k ëm öüt! ï lüv ???????(¨`v´¨)(l)
- (*)·´`·.¸.»jü§t ©äl më ßüttë® ïm öñ ä ®öll·´`·.¸.»(*)
- (*)(¯`·._)ü göt më löökïñg §ö ©®äzÿ mÿ ßäßÿ, ïm ñöt mÿ§ëlf(¯`·._)(*)
- (l)(f)(¨`v´¨)Äll ï wäñt ï§ ëvë®ÿthïñg(¨`v´¨)(f)(l)
- (*)·´`·.¸.»jü§t ©äl më ßüttë® ïm öñ ä ®öll·´`·.¸.»(*)
- Love ur enimes , it pisses them off
- (l)(f)(¨`v´¨)Äll ï wäñt ï§ ëvë®ÿthïñg(¨`v´¨)(f)(l)
- (l)(¯`·._)ïf ü §ëÿ ïm §ö §ëxÿ ÿ doñt ü lÿk më(¯`·._)(u) :(
- (*)·´`·.¸.»ß£wÄr£ 1 höt ©hï©k·´`·.¸.»(*)
- (*)·´`·.¸.»Ü thïñk ü kñö më...wëll ü döñt·´`·.¸.»(*):p
Fancy MSN Names
- A tear falls forever inside a broken heart<3
- Lifes to short to be boring!
- Don't drink and drive, smoke and fly… or get a plane!
- I still love you, you just cannot see it.
- There are plenty more fish in the sea, i am just a *** fisherman! :)
- --lil.mizz.cupcake--
- A clean house is a sign of a misspent life
- We don't always see the bright side
Msn names
- There are some that are wise and others that are otherwise.
- To the world you are just one person but to one person you may be the world.
- What is arrogance? thinking you can compete with me!
- Stupid cupid... stop pickin on me!
- Love is like heaven but it can hurt like hell.
Punk msn names
- I wish it was raining, cuz i hate every beautiful day!
- I hear sound echo in the emptiness, all around but you can't change this loneliness!
- Sometimes the person you love just doesn't understand how much you love them!
- One *smile* is all it took for me to realize you still mean the world to me!
- Dazed & confused <> twisted & used
- Im-an-angel-frm-hell-so-dont-mess-wiv-me(8)
- Oh a wisk a was a punk rocker with flowers in ma hair.....wait i am!
- I was panic!ing at the disco way before you were...........invited
- The kids of tomorrow don't need 2day when they live in the sins of yesterday o_o
bitchy msn names
- Behind every successful woman, is a man who is surprised.
- I would tell ya to go to hell but all dogs go to heaven.
- I'm fat, but your ugly. i can diet.
- If you throw rice at weddings, will asian people throw hotdogs?
- You're unique, just like everyone else...
- Ya i might be fat but fat people can loose weight.but stupid people can never get smart and uhly people can never afford plastic surgery.
- Dont hate me becuz i am beautiful hate me cuz i am prideful enough to tell you not to hate me cuz i am beautiful.
- We're all here for a reason, so whats yours?
- I want go away
- If being ugly was a crime, you'd ave a life sentence !
- Hating me wnt make u any prettier !
- Ur a plastic girl, in ur barbie world!, life as a plastic its fantastic..
- I'm cool, i'm .hot...i'm everything you're not!
- What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters to what lies between us!
- He broke your heart, shattered it like gl***. so when he comes crawlin back, say 'hunny, kiss mah ***
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away but if hes cute screw the fruit
- Just excepted that im beautiful {an ur not}
bad msn names
- Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics!
- Your mama is so fat, when she sings, its over!
- It's not that i am anti-social. i just don't like you!
- You're the *** your mother should have swallowed!
- If i am what i eat them i am cheap, quick, and easy!
- Bad girls are just good girls that dont get cot:o
- Im bad but beautiful